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Dennis J Robinson

June 8, 1985 - November 23, 2021

Celebration of Life: Saturday, December 18, 2021 from Noon to 5:00pm at Huber’s Gasthaus, 2312 Friendly Grove Rd NE,  Olympia WA  98506. Come celebrate Dennis’s life with family and friends.

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Dennis J Robinson, resident of Lacey, passed away November 23, 2021 at his home. Dennis was born June 8, 1985 at St. Peter’s Hospital to Gloria (Davis) and Dennis Robinson. He was the first beloved grandchild born into a very close family having his Oma and Opa (grandparents) in town, as well as his “go to” Aunts, for when his mom and dad told him no or wouldn’t let him have his way.

Dennis was funny and incredibly smart. As a toddler he spent a lot of time with his Oma who taught him to read by the age of 3.  Through a puzzle game she played with him, he learned the shapes and capitals of all the fifty states and so much more by that age.  Always surrounded by family, he was the center of attention and he used his center stage well. He was also very opinionated, inquisitive, clever with his words as a child, and  eager to share his wisdom with his family and anyone else he had the opportunity to converse with.  On one occasion when his Aunt Brigitte ended a relationship with a boyfriend that Dennis had become fond of , and  he was told they were no longer dating, Dennis responded, “Why did you have to unlove him?”

He was fondly known as “Little Dennis” in the family that would often gather at Oma and Opa’s home, and they all talked loudly when sharing with one another, but “little Dennis” would somehow be heard when he would input his quick wit (undoubtedly picked up from his mother) and young wisdom causing everyone to pause and laugh and be once again filled with joy by his presence. He developed his own style and taste for what looked good and what did not, and he was not afraid of telling you if your choice in attire that day was off the mark!

When the next grandchild arrived, his cousin Erin, he quickly rose to the occasion and supported his aunt Tina in Erin’s care. He was super protective and possessive of the new arrival. He absolutely ADORED his cousin Erin! After that he became a big brother to the new baby Martin and he could always be counted on to help in caring for him and making him know that he belonged. And Martin returned the love for his brother, looking out for him and making sure he was ok when things got hard for Dennis in later years. Dennis was a caretaker by instinct and always helpful and willing to do for his brother and Cousin Erin and, some years later, with his cousins Salena and Ross.

His “birthright” of being first led him to multiple alternatives when faced with a parental dispute or simply not getting his way at home. He decided at 12 he would go live with his Aunt, who wholeheartedly enjoyed “Little Dennis’” and his skill set, reminding her of “cinderfella” as he would care for his young niece and nephew and cook and clean. Eventually realizing that the grass was not greener at his Aunt’s house, he informed his mom he wanted to come home, but only AFTER Christmas because he planned to get presents he felt he deserved from his auntie first.

Dennis was incredibly sweet and loving to children.  And  when his little brother Marcus came along he fell again into a natural care provider to ensure this baby too was loved.

Dennis also loved traveling and  enjoyed his trips to California and Portland to visit with his Aunt Sandra, trips that were always full of adventure. Sandra would go out of her way to spoil him and make him feel special. “Little Dennis” thought those visits were just for him, but to his Aunt, those times overfilled her cup, closing that gap of distance between her and her loud wonderful family.

He graduated early at 17 and quickly asserted his independence by securing a job at ACS call center, and his Aunt Brigitte got him his first apartment that he shared with his long-time childhood friend. When his other childhood friend had her first baby, Dennis relocated to Florida,  to help provide child care and got his first job working in the tech industry. It was also the first time he was separated from his family. It was during his time in Florida that he experienced an onset of mental health issues and his family did everything they could to get him back home safely and back with them to find the help he needed.

After coming back from Florida the family saw the changes in Dennis, and they all worked tirelessly in assisting in any way to ease his troubles. He struggled with self-medication, always in search of a relief to quiet his mind or feel  “normal”,  never knowing what that normal was anymore. During this time, Dennis’ father “Big Dennis,” tried to help him keep on track by involving him in jobs through the family business, Robinson & Son. The company was named with Little Dennis in mind. He would try to stay busy and work with his dad, when he could.

When he lost his Opa, Dennis was heartbroken, and in memory got a tattoo to honor him. He would visit his Opa where he was laid to rest and make sure he was not forgotten.

As he struggled with his mental health challenges, Dennis’ world became much smaller and his outings were fewer and fewer, but he did find joy hanging out with the many friends in his life and in his occasional trips to the casino with his mom. At home he found ways to keep himself busy and useful by helping his mom with house cleaning,  the yard and preparing delicious baked goods that his mother and brother would love coming home to.

Regardless of his struggles, Dennis was a friend to many and a reliable shoulder to cry on and almost to a fault, he was a fast forgiver. He had a GIANT heart and was always putting others’ needs in front of his own.  He was an avid lover of music and as far back as his mom can remember, was always making mixed CD’s for his friends and family. Music was one of his ultimate ways to meditate. He was incredibly insightful and could always seem to find the right words for others that were struggling, helping them through their bump in the road. He was the type of person that would always choose to be kind rather than to be “right”.

Dennis touched the hearts of everyone that crossed his life, especially his family.  They all carry a tender loving place in their souls and memory because “Little Dennis” graced them in the unique and special way that only he could have.

Dennis is free from the struggles of what can be a very cruel world.  We pray that he is resting in a perfect paradise of  peace with himself,  and that his mind and body are finally free. His big sweet eyes, wonderful kind heart and the goofball that is little Dennis will be missed beyond imagination.   We get comfort knowing that he is with his Opa and grinning ear to ear sharing his wit and beautiful Spirit with the ancestors.

Dennis is survived by his parents Gloria Robinson and Dennis (Julie) Robinson, his brothers, Martin and Marcus, and sister Jessica Reeves. His loving Oma Renate B. Davis, His Aunts,  Brigitte (Michaelross) Sherrer, Sandra Davis and Regina “Tina” Davis, his Uncle Doyle “Carlton”( Amy) Davis Jr. and  his Cousins, Erin, Ross, Salena, Emma, Aidan, Dana, Debrena, Ericka and Little Nate. Grandfather Luther Robinson, Uncles Luther (Angie) Robinson, Charles (Alice) Robinson, Steve (Tiffani) Robinson and Nazerath Robinson, Aunt Kathy Moses, Uncle Nat and Aunt Thelma and many Robinson cousins. Also many close friends that were also his family. He was preceded in death by his Grandfather Doyle Carlton Davis, and his Grandmother Aflean Robinson.

A Celebration of Life will take place on Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 12:00 PM, at the Huber’s Gasthaus, located at 2312 Friendly Grove Road NE. Olympia, WA 98506. Please feel free to leave condolences below for the family.